I know, I know. I said on Jack’s last monthly post I wouldn’t reference his age in months. Oh well, eating my words. Jack’s officially closer to 2 than I care to admit. I feel like I can describe the last few months of Jack’s life in one word. Busy.
The little man is climbing in, on, around, and behind literally everything he can. He does pause and sit still from time to time to read books, put puzzles together, or to watch Coco, but between the moments of calm, one must have eyes on Jack at all times.
Jack’s personality has really started to bloom over this past spring and summer. He’s super fun-loving and goofy. He LOVES to give high-fives and to play with any kind of sports ball – basketballs, baseballs, footballs, soccer balls, you name it, he wants to pick it up and throw it. He’s even gotten a handle on holding a mini hockey stick and pushing around ‘pucks’ (smaller bouncy balls). We introduced LEGO and Toy Story this summer. Buzz and Woody are hands down the favorites around our home.
In an update on his health, we’ve only battled two small ear infections post tubes surgery at the end of January. Once we had a handle on his ears, we went back to the allergist for his follow up testing. We confirmed that Jack is still allergic to eggs and peanuts, we added tree nuts and dairy to the list. Instead of transitioning him to 2% whole milk (which left him in hives), we started transitioning him to Rice Milk and Soy Milk. We tried Ripple milk, but Jack wasn’t a fan.
With his ears and allergies under control, that left his eczema and GI issues to be attended too. I always had a feeling Jack would be a bubble boy, but I just wish I hadn’t been right. Thankfully, he has the best spirit despite his skin and stomach issues. In most recent days we figured out the the right combination between Vanicream and a special prescription steroid cream seem to be keeping his flare ups at bay (after a trip to the ped, allergist, and a dermatologist).
We also have been to a GI doctor to try to figure out Jack’s stomach issues. He’s been on some heartburn medicine and it’s seemed to help, we have a follow up in a few weeks.
Outside of all things allergy and food related, Jack is a peanut. I’m not sure his measurements, but he is about 21 pounds and 31.5″ tall and to me, he’s perfect.
I was talking to a mom friend at work the other day and we had our babies just a week apart. We both feel like it was just yesterday we were pregnant and living through those long newborn nights and days. And now we have little toddlers full of big emotions, that can say no, throw a mean tantrum, and with a flick of a switch, turn around and give you the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek.
I wouldn’t change it for the world!