Well, here it is. The final countdown. We have our 37 week appointment this Thursday and as of last week I’m 1cm dilated and around 70% effaced (TMI, whatevs). I know there is a good chance I can stay like this for a couple of weeks, but I am personally feeling that I’m going to have this little one sooner rather than later.
There’s been a lot going on since my last pregnancy update. We finished the nursery and after a brief health scare with the baby that resulted in a few extra ultrasounds, we were able to breathe a sigh of relief after our last ultrasound came back normal (we were even blessed with a 3D image of our little one).
Work has been keeping me very preoccupied but as I transition my workload to my fabulous co-workers, I’m getting very anxious for Baby Mack’s impending arrival. Nesting has kicked in full force at our house, though I wish it would have kicked in more with my own stuff (putting shoes and clean laundry away will never be a top priority…but maybe that will change with baby’s arrival…one can only hope).
Since my last update, we’ve had three baby showers. My co-workers threw me a shower, as did my side (a brunch theme) and then another shower hosted by Cody’s side of the family (a skating theme). Baby Mack is a very loved baby and we are very blessed!
My aunt and mom hosted my baby shower, they were able to pull my Pinterest board to life and my love of any and all breakfast food. I’m just slightly bummed I missed out on the mimosa bar!
Cody comes from a hockey background, so his family threw us a skating themed baby shower! They even recreated a cake he had at his baptism almost 30 years ago!
Last, but not least, my co-workers threw me and my fellow pregnant co-worker the cutest shower at our office!
Here’s a quick update on my pregnancy right now:
What I’m Wearing:
Here are a few iPhone snaps from the past few weeks. I’ve been documenting the bump every week, but here’s a snippet of some of my day-to-day outfits.
31 Weeks:
35 Weeks:
As of the last two weeks and for the foreseeable future, leggings, t-shirts, and tunic sweaters. The thought of putting on maternity jeans makes me cringe. Just within the last few days I’ve started to swell, so I’ll be living in my slippers and slip-on flats. I ended up picking up a maternity sweater dress from Old Navy and wore it to all of my showers!
Throughout this pregnancy, my favorite (affordable) maternity brands I kept turning to were Ingrid and Isabel (both the regular label and the line for Target), Old Navy, and a few essentials off of Poshmark that were in good condition. I picked up multiple styles of jeans (dark wash, a distressed pair, a black pair, and boyfriend jeans) that I wore towards the end of my first trimester, all second trimester, and into my third trimester. Most tops came from Target, I picked up a few sweaters and then some basic maternity crew neck tees that were much longer than what I currently had in my closet.
What I’m Loving:
Baby Kicks: I think I’ll miss Baby Mack moving around the most once they are on the outside. Though it’s rather odd at times, seeing them stick out their foot or bottom is entertaining to say the least. I will be happy once that bottom is slightly lower and not digging into my rib cage.
Cravings: The past few weeks I’ve been on a cinnamon roll kick followed up with celery with peanut butter. The Christmas sugar cookies sure seem to hit the spot these days as well.
The Bump: The bump is here and is only getting bigger. I feel like I’ve dropped, the baby has been heads down since my 28 week appointment. I officially need help getting out of bed and off the couch. Putting shoes, pants, etc. on is a challenge.
Prepping for Baby: 
The nursery is complete (see the full tour here)! Our chair FINALLY arrived last week and I can’t wait to put it to use. We’ve installed the car seats, the hospital bags have been packed, and now we wait!
I’ve finished ZERO pregnancy books and I don’t feel bad about it at all. I’ll read up on sleep training when the time comes, but for now, we will figure it out as we go.
What I’m Struggling With:
Heartburn: As I said previously, I’ve never experienced heartburn before in my life until the end of my second trimester. There have been some nights where I can’t sleep or wake up because of it. I hope it goes away with Baby’s arrival.
Sleep: HA. I’ve been consistently getting up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. Typically around 2:30am and again around 4am. If that’s the baby’s schedule once they are here, at least I’ll be prepared. It usually takes me awhile to get back to sleep. I’ve been trying not to check my phone at those times, because it just keeps me awake longer.
Emotional: Watching any video related to birth, birth stories, moms or dads talking about their little ones will turn on the tears. I know I’ll only get more emotional as we inch closer to our due date and once baby is finally here in our arms!