Maybe Christmas he thought, doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more.
I’ve been watching Christmas movies for weeks and basking in the glow of our Christmas tree, but it always feels like Christmas always sneaks up on me. Work has been hectic the past few weeks and has taken priority over just about everything, so I’m happy to be on a holiday break for the next week. We don’t have any travel plans, so it’s time to tackle my next house project…painting the kitchen cabinets! Our new kitchen table is scheduled to be delivered next Friday, a month later than anticipated, but once the table arrives, the room should feel mostly complete!
I’m excited to spend time with my husband’s family and my mom’s extended family on Christmas Day, we had to cancel celebrating with my family this past weekend due to the Polar Vortex, but we have rescheduled for a January celebration – no harm extending the Christmas cheer a few weeks, right?!
Here are a few of our favorite ornaments on the tree and decorations in our living room. I hope all of you have a very merry holiday and thanks for following this year!