Worth Noting: Pose

Over the past few years I’ve read about Pose in and around the blogosphere. For those who haven’t heard of it yet, Pose is an online and mobile community where uses can swamp photos and videos of their outfits and shopping finds.

 I finally signed up earlier this week, and above else I’m most excited about the weather email that will soon be hitting my inbox! I know I’m not the only one hits snooze once, maybe twice, then rolls over to check Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and reads the Skimm, why not add an email that knows your weather forecast and helps you dress accordingly? What is not to love?!

Think Instagram for the fashion obsessed! Upload images of your  outfits and tag where each piece is from. Browse thousands of other stylish users and make sure to catalog the looks you love! 

You can follow The Brunette One on Pose here!

*This is a sponsored post. All content and opinions expressed here are all my own. Thank you for supporting content that makes The Brunette One possible. 

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  1. I’ve been looking at pose for a while, I might need to bite the bullet and download it!

    Posted 7.1.13 Reply