Today’s Live Healthy post is all about the abs! The warm weather means one thing, it’s getting closer to swimsuit season! Time to get those core muscles in shape! Take note of this ab workout brought to you by Amanda Tyson and you’ll be one step closer to this, this, and this suit!
You should throw in some side planks as well! They are killer but they really slim down those “love handles”!
yes! i am counting down the days still swimsuit season so I can use this!
my ab’s hurt just reading this!! [but this is soooo necessary going into summer!!] Thanks for sharing!!
Workouts and diet, as you acknowledge, must be in a delicate balance, if a woman has a female abs they want. For a woman to attempt to induce flat stomach and sexy, there ar certain parts of a system that must be the place. Samples of this ingrown drink plenty of water and fiber supply many.
Sarah – Yes, it’s all about eating healthy and exercising. I’m not suggesting everyone will get a six-pack, I certainly do not have one, but a strong core is key to a healthy, fit, & strong body!