This winter I was on the hunt for the perfect, read affordable, cognac leather ankle boot. My obsession started with Emily’s VPL boots. Then these Rag & Bone Newbury boots started making their way around the blog-o-sphere and every social media site in existence. Thank goodness for Crystalin’s post of highlighting these booties, I wouldn’t have stumbled across the new loves of my life – these Steve Madden boots.
It’s safe to say I’ve worn these boots for two weeks straight since getting them at my doorstep. They are the perfect height, color, and even comfortable to boot {no pun intended :)} to wear from day to night.
What invest have you made lately that has proven worth the $$$?
Rag & Bone ‘Newbury’
Steve Madden ‘Abonita’
These are great boots! The steals actually look nicer. Great post!
If you get a sec, please check out my latest post ‘Paisley Pattern’. Thanks in advance.
Love these boots! I was on the hunt earlier this winter and got a great pair on major sale at J Crew!