After making the rounds at Market Day on Saturday, we ventured over to Aimée, a women’s clothing, shoes, and accessories boutique located in the East Village in Downtown Des Moines. Aimée is home to the location of an event I’m hosting with Katelyn of Katalina Girl. This event will be take place in early November and will bring together the best & most stylish of Des Moines Fashion and Beauty blogging community! I can’t wait to share more details with you in the weeks to come!
Aimée is the most charming lifestyle boutique with a little something for everyone! Find the latest trends to date, including a few of my favorite textures for fall: leather, sequins, and velvet! The store is filled with over 60 different and unique lines from around the world. And maybe the best part? I think they love champagne as much as I do :)
love that chandelier!!